Soil Villa

Ungasan, Bali

Design DIrector

Gathi Subekti

Lead Designer

Andika Surya Pramana

Design Team

Kristania Debora, Putu Yoga Dananjaya

Landscape Designer

Interior Designer

Lighting Designer

Eco Consultant


Structure Consultant

MEP Consultant


KOMA Visualization


Soil Villa is a compact villa designed with simple spatial needs. It features a loft-style bedroom, a living area, and an office room that can be converted into an additional bedroom if required. Due to the limited plot size, the spaces within the villa have been carefully adjusted to ensure that the villa still has an outdoor area. This thoughtful adjustment allows the villa to maintain a balance between indoor and outdoor living spaces despite the constraints of the available land.

The open area in front of the villa connects directly to the living area, separated only by glass doors. This large opening enhances the sense of spaciousness and creates a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor spaces. The glass doors allow natural light to flood into the living area, while also offering unobstructed views of the garden and pool, thereby integrating nature into the living experience.

The straightforward design and spatial requirements of Soil Villa incorporate functional elements that double as sculptural features. A striking green spiral staircase serves as a key architectural element within the villa. Contrasting with the predominantly yellow-brownish color palette, the green staircase adds a refreshing touch, distinguishing Soil Villa from other villas. This distinctive staircase not only serves a practical purpose but also acts as an eye-catching design feature.

The villa’s color scheme embraces the current monochromatic trend popular in Bali. The primary colors used in the villa are yellow-brownish, which create a clean, modern look. To add dimension to the walls, the color is applied with a textured finish. This textured treatment not only enhances the visual appeal of the walls but also adds depth and interest to the surfaces, making them more dynamic. The green staircase introduces a bold, yet harmonious contrast that enlivens the space. This use of color and texture not only keeps the villa contemporary but also adds a unique character that sets it apart from the conventional designs commonly found in the area.

The use of curved forms is a recurring theme in Soil Villa’s design. The spiral staircase, with its elegant curves, is mirrored in the curved elements of the building’s façade on the second floor. This repetition of curved forms creates a cohesive architectural language throughout the villa. By incorporating these curves, the design achieves a sense of unity and fluidity, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal and functionality of the space.